Vietnamese novels from 1986 have had many changes, artists have faced many opportunities and challenges. They have to search and innovate constantly to keep pace with the times and meet the needs of... Author: Thuy Nguyen Thi Keyword: the method of mythization; realistic; novel.
Publishing activities in Ho Chi Minh City: current situation and solutionsWith the orientation of developing publishing as a field of sharp ideological operation of the Party, State and People, an important part of advanced Vietnamese culture, imbued with national identity,... Author: Van Nguyen Le Keyword: publishing activities current situation solutions Ho Chi Minh City
Research on techniques to en-hance DDoS attack prevention using cumulative Sum and back-propagation algorithmsThis paper focuses on enhancing DDoS attack prevention ca-pabilities through the combination of the Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) algorithm and the Backpropagation method, aiming to detect attack indicators... Author: Phuong Hoang Thi Keyword: Network attack CUSUM algorithm Backpropagation algo-rithm Anti-spoofing DDoS attack
Enhancing network performance with improved random early detectionCongestion has become an important issue affecting the per-formance of network systems. Active Queue Management (AQM) algorithms are crucial in ensuring network stability. The first active queue... Author: Dien Vu Van Keyword: Active queue management congestion average queue size RED threshold.
An efficient depth-first search algorithm for solving the maximum stable marriage problem with ties and incomplete listsThis paper proposes an efficient depth-first search algorithm to solve the maximum stable marriage problem with ties and incomplete preference lists. The key idea of the algorithm is to initialize an... Author: Viet Hoang Huu, Anh Le Quoc, Nam Dinh Van Keyword: Depth-first search Gale-Shapley algorithm stable matching stable marriage problem ties and incomplete lists
Chemical composition of essential oils of Litsea elongata in Pu Hoat Nature Reserve, Nghe An ProvinceStudy on chemical composition of essential oils from leaves, bark and fruits of Litsea elongata species, essential oil content reached ...% corresponding to fresh materials. Essential oils were... Author: Tai Dinh Duc, Hieu Do Trong Keyword: essential oils Litsea elongata Pù Hoạt
Nghiên cứu đặc trưng và tính chất của màng tổ hợp alginat/chitosan/lovastatinNghiên cứu đặc trưng và tính chất của màng tổ hợp alginat/chitosan/lovastatin Author: Super Account Keyword: Nghiên cứu đặc trưng và tính chất của màng tổ hợp alginat/chitosan/lovastatin
Research in Bernoulli law application for turbine water quality and wind power couplingThis article presents some of the results of Bernoulli's law in fluid dynamics for the Betz coefficient (also known as the Betz limit, which is the limit value of the conversion coefficient from wind... Author: Super Account Keyword: BERNOULLI
Effect of Sodium Nitroprusside on the biochemical resistance of mungbean to cowpea aphidIn this study, the inducible function of sodium nitroprusside (SNP, a nitric oxide donor) was evaluated based on the changes in some biochemical characteristics of mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek... Author: Nguyễn Đình San, Lê Thế Biên Keyword: sodium nitroprusside
Mức độ đa dạng di truyền của một số quần đàn cá tra sử dụng chỉ thị phân tử cytochrome bĐặc điểm phân mảnh cảnh quan rừng lưu vực sông Lam Author: Super Account Keyword: Đặc điểm phân mảnh cảnh quan rừng lưu vực sông Lam